Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So last night I lit candles and turned up the heat a little in the bedroom to prepare for a romantic session. Madame and I began to make love and all was swell.

She bit me on the shoulder, something she does that leaves bruises. I said, "Madame likes to leave her mark."

"Yes!" she agreed enthusiastically.

"Madame could make her mark in many ways," I said, thinking of the spankings and floggings I long to experience. "Mmmm," she replied, not wanting to go there.

She decided she wanted me inside her, so in I went. We were having a great time. At first I was very sensitive and felt I could come very quickly, so I was focusing on control. Then Madame ordered me to stop moving while she masturbated with me inside her (a common practice for us for years). I did. But a little while later when she ordered me to start thrusting again, I had gone half-soft! Embarassed, I immediately suggested that I withdraw and go down on her, which she accepted. It took her ages to come (perhaps because the erection malfunction had broken her mood, perhaps because of the two gins-and-tonic she had earlier imbibed).

Afterwards I apologized abjectly. "It was involuntary, Madame, but nonetheless disrespectful. And I couldn't make you come efficiently. Truly I have been very bad." I was hoping for some discipline but Madame, enjoying post-orgasmic sleepiness, was in pre-D/s mode. She smiled lovingly and told me it was all right, nothing to worry about.

"If you say so," I said, "Madame."

She gave a little ironic sigh.

"Hard to stay in character all the time, huh, Madame?"

"Exhausting! Thomas."

So we ended on a playful note, half in-character and half commenting on the theater.

Theoretically she could have allowed me to come, since a new week had commenced, and I was sort of expecting it because she had been in a generous mood all day. But since I had gone floppy on her, no deal.

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